WordPress via Fantastico :- "You can not install more than one script in the root directory of a domain"
Few people have come across problem stating "You can not install more than one script in the root directory of a domain" while installing WordPress via Fantastico.
Even though WordPress was uninstalled and there were no installation files/directories present in that. Then also user was not able to install New WordPress via Fantastico.
Can you guess the reason for it?
Simple issue but which is very fundamental, people must know it.
Steps for fixing the issue:
Verification step: Check User's root directory i.e public_html directory under the user home directory for any present installation related files or directories.If you get any installation related file or directory then delete that and try to install it again.
In case there is no installation related file or directory then ........? ?
Go to hidden directory ".fantasticodata" inside user's home directory and check the the entry inside "installed_in_root.php".
If culprit was like this:
Then change it to
And then try to install New WordPress. This time you are able to install it properly :)
This entry was posted
on Sunday, December 28, 2008
at Sunday, December 28, 2008
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