Many around us would be dreaming of scoring high in our +2(pu) exams and getting into various fields of study of our choice. Many might want to be an engineer or a doctor or an entrepreneur and many more. Most of the times the situation would be such that we wouldn't know how the course would be or about what to follow there and what not to follow right after getting into the college or even before getting in. In my experience I have seen many ppl pass out of college, they search for Reference/VTU books. Most of the times we end up with no results then we starts searching for seniors to get info from them. One day I was thinking about this and finally I asked my friend divya to write on this as she also from medicine field, she is the best person to answer this.
This is for those PU students who will be very much clueless about how it would be right after entering the course of most noble profession,the field of medicine (those getting into the field of engineering will hav to wait on guys)... I would like to thank Divya who helped me out in posting this useful info :).
In her words.......
In your very first year in medicine, You wil be asked to sit in front of dead bodies and get adjusted to the smell n gradually to study them (we were asked to be right in front of those bodies the very first day!!!!) the initial lectures will seem as though they are in greek n latin with nothing gettin into ur head since many medical terms will be used which u ll be unaware of. The books ll be more than thrice as voluminous as ur pu books. Many might already be getting goosebumps.. Trust me there is absolutely nothing to be scared of.. you ll start feeling comfortable with everythin, the lectures, the books,and of course even the bodies :) very soon.. may be even by around 15 days...!!!
Here is just a bit of useful information regarding the books you can go through, which might be of help for the freshers (for those who would want to prepare a bit in the holidays) ...!
In the first year of MBBS you will have 3 subjects--Anatomy , Physiology and Biochemistry. These three subjects form the foundation for your further medical studies.. Be strong in all the three since you will be expected to remember it till the end of your course and even further...
In anatomy the favourite among many students is "B.D.Chaurasia's Human Anatomy". It is available in three volumes and is a book anyone can rely upon to score well..for reference,to gain extra knowledge you can read "Gray's Anatomy". This book is very much informative and is a favorite among professors!!! There are many divisions in anatomy like histology, embryology etc.. for both histology and embryology u can follow books written by I.B.Singh.
In physiology "Guyton's book of Medical Physiology" is a book to die for. Many might get scared just by looking at its size..but trust me physiology is made very much easy here.. it would be good if one starts reading it right from the beginning... remember this is not a book to be read (if it is for the first time that you will be reading) when ur exams are approaching.. many might find it difficult to write answers from it in they can switch over to other easier and scoring books about a few weeks before your tests or exams..for that there are books like "G.K Pal book of physiology" , "A.K.Jain's text book of Physiology" and many more...
In biochemistry you can go for "DR.Vasudevan's text book of biochemistry"...this one is usually enough for biochemistry..but if anyone feels like reading more of it or who feel they are quite good in chemistry can go for "Harper's book of biochemistry" which usually is only for reference..the above mentioned books are the most followed ones n the most important ones.
There will be many other small books that you will have to read about which you will come to know after your college starts..try to be in touch with your seniors as far as possible, that will be very useful in future.